Monday, April 25, 2016

The Pure Gospel "Abba! Father!"

The Pure Gospel "Abba!  Father!" Galatians 4:1-7      05/01/2016
For a copy of the discussion questions click here.

My ______________ is this: heirs, as long as they are ____________, are no better than _____________, though they are the owners of all the property; 2but they _______________ under guardians and trustees until the ________________ set by the father.  Gal. 4:1-2
Through ___________ we are made ____________ and joint heirs with Jesus. We have been given all the _________________ that come with ____________________.
1. God ______________ his _________________.
2. To ___________________ those who were under the ______________.
3. Adopted ________ as His _________________________.
4. God sent the ___________ ___________ into believers' _____________.
And because you are _______________, God has sent the _________ of his _________ into our _______________, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’  Gal. 4:6
The Hebrews had many names for God (_________________), _____________(Lord God Almighty); _____________(Lord, Master); ________________(Lord, Jehovah); Jehovah _____________ (The Lord Will Provide); Jehovah __________________ (The Lord Is Peace).....just to name a few.
God says you can just call Him....______________! __________________!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Pure Gospel Session 3 "From Shackles to Sonship"

"From Shackles to Sonship" Galatians 3:23-29      04/24/2016
For a copy of the discussion guide click HERE

Any ___________________ male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be ________ _______ from his people; he has ____________ my covenant.  Genesis 17:14

Circumcision is not only a ___________________ but a central part of the Jewish ___________________.

We cannot be ____________ by the law, but only by ___________ in Jesus.

Christ + ___________________ = _____________________.

Therefore the law was our ______________________ until Christ came, so that we might be ______________________ by faith. Gal. 3:24

As many of you as were ______________ into Christ have ______________ yourselves with ________________. vs. 27

1. Through ____________ in Christ all who believe become "_______  ____ ___________."

2.  Through faith in Jesus Christ all who ______________ become __________with each other.

There is no ____________ Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer __________ and female; for all of you ______  _______ in Christ Jesus. vs. 28
3. Through __________ we become one with those of _____________ throughout ______________________.

And if you ________________ to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, ________________ according to the ____________________.  vs. 29

"From Shackles to Sonship" Galatians 3:23-29      04/24/2016

Any ___________________ male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be ________ _______ from his people; he has ____________ my covenant.  Genesis 17:14

Circumcision is not only a ___________________ but a central part of the Jewish ___________________.

We cannot be ____________ by the law, but only by ___________ in Jesus.

Christ + ___________________ = _____________________.

Therefore the law was our ______________________ until Christ came, so that we might be ______________________ by faith. Gal. 3:24

As many of you as were ______________ into Christ have ______________ yourselves with ________________. vs. 27

1. Through ____________ in Christ all who believe become "_______  ____ ___________."

2.  Through faith in Jesus Christ all who ______________ become __________with each other.

There is no ____________ Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer __________ and female; for all of you ______  _______ in Christ Jesus. vs. 28
3. Through ________ we become one with those of ______________ throughout ______________________.

And if you ________________ to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, ________________ according to the ____________________.  vs. 29

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sermon Listening Guide - Week Two: "The Pure Gospel Saves Us"

"The Pure Gospel Saves Us" Galatians 2:15-21          04/17/2016

To view the Discussion Guide click here.

I am astonished that you are so quickly __________________ the one who called you in the grace of Christ and are _________________ to a different gospel 1:6   not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are ________________________ you and want to ___________________ the gospel of Christ. 1:7

As we have said before, so now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel ______________________ to what you received, let that one be ____________________________! 1:9

For God so loved the world that he ____________ his only Son, so that __________________________ who __________________ in him may not ______________________ but may have eternal life.  Jn. 3:16

yet we know that a person is justified not by the ______________ of the law but through ______________ in Jesus Christ.  Vs. 16

We often ______________ in to ___________________pressure.

Galatians has often been called the _______________  _______________ of Christian Liberty.
Through the law no one will stand _______________________ before God.
I do not _______________ the grace of God; for if justification comes through the ___________, then Christ died for _________________.  Vs. 21
The __________________ is....we are not able to ________________ ourselves.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Discussion Guide, Galatians: The Pure Gospel, Week One

Galatians: The Pure Gospel
Week One

Sermon Snapshot: 
The Letter of Paul to the Galatians is an important letter written by Apostle Paul to churches in Galatia, a Roman Province.  Prior to writing this letter, Paul had some history with the folks of Galatia as he had founded churches there.  Paul’s letter was written in reaction to some troublesome news he had received about an alternative Gospel that was being taught to the Galatians by Jewish-Christian missionaries.  Problematic is the Jewish-Christian missionaries are espousing a new gospel that seems to include both circumcision and adherence to the Law.  Paul is adamant that the Gospel does not require circumcision and adherence to the Law.  In fact, he emphasizes that we are unable to be justified of our own effort; for justification to take place, we need Christ.  

Galatians 1:1-17
Galatians 2:16  
Galatians 5:10b-12
Galatians 5:2-4 

Discussion Questions: 
1. How do you define the Gospel?  Is grace a significant part of the Gospel?    
2. What does it mean to be justified before God?  
3. Why does it matter that one is justified before God?  
4. How significant is Jesus and his death and resurrection regarding the Gospel?  
5. Do you find the Gospel message easy or difficult to accept?  
6. Do you ever find yourself living as though you are attempting to adhere to a gospel similar to the gospel taught by the Jewish-Christian missionaries which Paul opposed?  
7. How do we as Christians ensure that we do not accept a false gospel?  

Before your Life Group’s next scheduled meeting, read all of Galatians.  

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sermon Listening Guide, Week One, Galatians: The Pure Gospel

Sermon Listening Guide
Galatians: The Pure Gospel
Week One  

1. The Letter of _____ to the Galatians

2. Galatia was a __________  ____________

3. The Letter was written around the middle of the ____  ________________ AD/CE. 

4. Paul is reacting to the spreading of a _______________  _______________ among the Galatian churches. 

5. The alternative gospel is taught by _________________________  _________________. 

6. The different gospel being proclaimed is one that included _____________ and adherence to the ________. 

7. The Gospel that Paul proclaims _____  _____  ____ on circumcision and adherence to the Law for justification.  



Answers: 1. Paul; 2. Roman province; 3. 1st Century; 4. different gospel; 5. Jewish-Christian missionaries; 6. circumcision, Law; 7. does not rely