Monday, November 17, 2014

Pilgramge 2014

What a great weekend with the youth!  Our group of 24 youth and 5 adults met with 5,476 of our "closest" Methodist friends in the North Carolina conference at the Crown Coliseum.  The message was brought in a humorous and meaningful way by the Skit Guys, and we were blessed by the beautiful voice of Heather Williams.  The messages and words of Heather Williams' songs were Spirit-filled and led many to Christ that evening, including some of our own youth, who said YES to Jesus on Saturday night.  Praise the Lord!  The weekend wouldn't have been complete without an afternoon of gleaning sweet potatoes from a local farmer's field.  Of course, put a bunch of middle and high school boys in a potato field, and potatoes will go flying!  At the end of our time gleaning, the farmer's prayer and thanksgiving over being able to help those in need touched out hearts, deeply.  Finally, on Sunday morning we celebrated the Lord's Supper with 5,500 people, including Bishop Ward.  What a wonderful experience!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 16 Sermon will be "Seeing the Need for Gratitude" which will be based on Luke 17:11-19.  What are you thankful for?  Have you told anyone?  More importantly, have you told God?

Our Annual Charge Conference will be held Nov. 16 at 2:45 pm in the choir room with a sub-district worship service at 3:15 and refreshments at 4 pm.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Military Ministry Breakfast, 11/09

All military folks, including active duty, retired, and contractors, as well as their families are invited to have breakfast on Sunday, November 9, beginning at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall at SPUMC.  If you have any questions or would like to RSVP (and have not done so already) please contact Holly Billingsley,

Friday, August 29, 2014

One Worship Service this Sunday, 8/31, followed by a fundraiser brunch

This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of August so we will only have one worship service, which will be at 10:00am in the sanctuary.  Afterwards, there will be a fundraiser brunch hosted by the folks from SPUMC who are traveling on the ZOE trip to Zimbabwe.   

Life Groups: Deepening Discipleship, Empowering Disciples, Making Disciples

We are excited about the Life Group Ministry at SPUMC.  What is a Life Group?  A Life Group is a small group of individuals who are devoted to God and one another as they endeavor to deepen their discipleship of Jesus Christ, empower one another to become leaders in the Kingdom of God, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.  Life Groups are life engaging, life giving, and life transforming.  Most groups will launch during the week of September 21.  For more information, contact Chae Albright,    

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 17th sermon

This Sunday's sermon is titled "God is in Control" based on Genesis 45:1-15.  How do we reconcile with those who have hurt us, especially those closest to us?  Reconciliation is possible when we realize that God is in Control, not us.  "What man meant for evil, God meant for good."  God is always working for the good, and can bring good out of any situation.  Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that God is in control.

Friday, August 8, 2014

80 Golfers in Tournament on Saturday

We are looking forward to having 80 golfers take part in the Golf Tournament sponsored by SPUMC's United Methodist Men on Saturday, August 9, at 7 Lakes Country Club!   

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sermon, Sunday, August 10

This week's sermon is titled "The Coat of Many Colors" based on Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28.  This is a story with all the dramatic parts: envy, conspiracy, conflict, sibling rivalry, deception, despair and more.  As Joseph's coat has many colors, this story has many different shades of truth depending upon the view of each in the account.  Even when those closest to us turn against us and everything is going against us, God can bring good out of it.  What others mean for bad, God means for good.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sermon, Sunday, August 3

THIS WEEK'S SERMON is titled "Holding on for the Blessing" based on Genesis 32:22-31 which records Jacob wrestling all night, refusing to let go until he received a blessing.  The account reminds of the importance of holding on...holding on for the blessing.  We all want to be "blessed," but are we willing to go through the struggle, to even fight for it?  Through it all, Jacob not only receives the blessing but also a new identity.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Godly community makes us better than we can be by ourselves

Yesterday's sermon Scripture was from Hebrews 10:19-25.  Of those verses, two particular verses, verses 24 and 25, provided the foundation of the sermon: "And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (NRSV).  In these verses, the author of Hebrews seems intent that the community do a few things.  One of those things is that the community make sure that its members are provoked to love and "good deeds."  Perhaps, one way to say this is that the community should push it's members to love better and do more.  One of the other concerns of the author is that the members of the community are encouraged, are built up.  You see, godly community makes us better than we can be by ourselves. 

SPUMC's Spiritual Triathlon

The Spiritual Triathlon was a set of three Wednesday evening events that saw us praise God, pray for our church and community, and play.  For the first night of Praise, we gathered for a meal and then were blessed by the wonderful musical gifts of several of the SPUMC members.  Like the praise night, the Pray night began with a meal.  In addition to the meal, three folks spoke about prayer before many of us split into groups to pray for SPUMC, Penick Village, and the communities of Aberdeen, Pinehurst, Southern Pines, and Whispering Pines.  The later five groups actually went to those communities for prayer.  Finally, the Play night was a time to share a BBQ meal with church family and guests.  Thanks to many folks, this night turned out to be a huge success and very enjoyable!   

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

SPUMC News from The Pilot 7-16-14

Southern Pines UMC 

The second phase of Southern Pines United Methodist Church’s Spiritual Triathlon is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16 beginning with a meal at 6:00 p.m. This week, the focus of the triathlon is “Pray”.  Three people will share their testimonies regarding their prayer lives.  Participants will go on prayer walks, both on the church campus as well as locations throughout the county.  People will pray for others, our communities, our state, our nation, and world concerns.  Child care will be provided.  On Wednesday, July 23, the triathlon will conclude with the third phase, “Play”.  Participants will gather on the church grounds for food, fun, and fellowship.
SPUMC will begin an Upper Room Prayer initiative that will meet on Mondays at noon beginning July 28. “The purpose of Upper Room Prayer is to help us discern the proper direction of our church, our lives, and what God wants us to do in the community,” says a church spokesperson.  “Everyone is welcome to attend.”
To learn more about the ministries and missions of Southern Pines United Methodist Church call the church office at (910) 692-3518 or visit the website:  The church is located at 175 Midland Road in Southern Pines.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

SPUMC Article From The Pilot 7-9-14

Southern Pines UMC

Southern Pines United Methodist Church will sponsor a unique type of triathlon during the month of July.  The Spiritual Triathlon will be held on three consecutive Wednesdays beginning July 9 at 6:00 p.m.  The first night will focus upon Praise, which includes joyful worship music.  On July 16, the emphasis will be Prayer with prayer groups traveling to various locations to pray for individuals and communities as well as national and world concerns. On July 23, the last phase of the Spiritual Triathlon will be Play.  Participants will join in fellowship for music, games, and a cookout.  “Everyone is welcome to join us for this special Triathlon”, says a church spokesperson, “and no preparation is necessary.”   
To learn more about the missions and ministries of Southern Pines United Methodist Church call the church office at (910) 692-3518 or visit the website at:  The church is located at 175 Midland Road in Southern Pines.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

VBS 2015 Revealed

Since Weird Animals VBS was such a great time, some of us are missing VBS.  Several kids asked why we couldn't have another week of VBS this week?  Guess they had a wonderful time!  VBS 2014 leaves us with important lessons about Jesus' one-of-a-kind love and unforgettable memories.  And, it may leave you may wondering what's next.  Our 2015 VBS theme is (drum roll, please), EVEREST!!!  Hope you will be part of our Everest expedition June22-26, 2015!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday, July 6 Sermon

The sermon is titled "Yokes" based on Matthew 11:25-30.  We all are connected/yoked to something or someone.  Yokes can be a burden and limit our freedoms.  But when we are yoked with Christ we will find His yoke is "life giving" instead of "life draining."  By being yoked with Jesus we will experience true freedom.  We will celebrate Holy Communion at both the 8:30 and 11 am worship services.

Friday, June 27, 2014

VBS 2014

It's hard to believe this is the last day of SPUMC's VBS, 2014!!  What a great week, a great week of learning that JESUS LOVES US!!  The volunteers have been amazing, and the children have been delightful--truly the love of Jesus has been shared by the volunteers and the children.  If you have volunteered, donated items, made sure your child/children could make it this week, prayed for this VBS, and/or helped make this VBS a success in whatever other way, THANK YOU!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sermon on Sunday, June 22

This weeks sermon, Someone to Watch Over Me, will come from Matthew 10:24-39.  We hope to see you at the 8:30 blended or 11:00 traditional worship service!

Youth Mission Team

How awesome it was to see our Youth Mission Team commissioned yesterday for their work this week!  Please keep them in your prayers as they are actively being the hands and feet of Christ's Body.  Check back later this week to read about their trip! 

SPUMC Vacation Bible School

The SPUMC Family is super excited about both sessions of the upcoming Vacation Bible School, Weird Animals.  Looking forward to experiencing a great week with all the children and volunteers!!