Monday, March 21, 2016

Discussion Guide, Our Need for Hope

More Than Enough: How Jesus Meets Our Deepest Needs
Week 4: Our Need for Hope
Sermon Preached on 03/20/16

Sermon Snapshot: 

People have many different hopes.  We have hopes regarding our health, our family, the teams we root for, the future of our career.  We also have a hope that might be considered the ultimate hope or the one which is the most important.  John 11:25-26 is situated in a passage of Scripture about death and resurrected life.  These two verses recount Jesus making some bold claims, claims that no other human could have ever made or can make.  The claims that Jesus makes about life are at the center of the ultimate human hope, and the one making the claim is Jesus, through whom the hope will come to fruition.  


Sermon Scripture is John 11:17-27
For context, you are encouraged to read John 11:1-44.  

Discussion Questions: 
  1. What are common hopes among people?  
  2. What is a hope you have had in the past that has come to fruition?  What do you believe was responsible for the hope being realized?  
  3. Have you ever witnessed one of your hopes failing to be realized?  Why did it not become a reality?  Please explain.  
  4. How significant is the person, mechanism, or process on which one’s hope is founded?  Have you ever mistakenly placed the burden of a hope on one person or thing who/which was unable to support it?   
  5. Please describe the ultimate Christian hope as you understand it.  How does what Jesus said in verses 25 and 26 line up with the hope you described?  
  6. How and why is Jesus the one on whom our ultimate hope as Christians rests?  
  7. How does your life reflect the hope you have in Jesus Christ?  

Over the next week, take great intention to reflect the hope you have in Jesus through the way you live your life.

Sermon Listening Guide, 03/20/2016, Our Need for Hope

Listening Guide                                     Week 4  
More Than Enough: How Jesus Meets Our Deepest Needs 
Our Need for Hope  

Whenever we have a hope, multiple things are assumed:

1. There is a desired ___________________.  

2. There is a __________, _____________, or _____________ in which our hope exists. 



John 11:25-26:  
Jesus said to her, “I am the_____________________ and 
the __________.  Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”  (NRSV)  



Our hope is ______________.  

Our hope exists in _____________________.  



So What?  



Friday, March 11, 2016

Sermon Guide - Our Need for Protection

"Our Need for Protection" John 10:7-15, 27-30          03/13/2016

CLICK HERE for the Session 3 Discussion Guide - More Than Enough How Jesus Meets our Deepest Needs

"I am the _________  _________________; the good shepherd __________

____________________his _____________ for the sheep,"

Sheep are used throughout the Old Testament as _____________________

for the ______________________ of _______________.  

1.   Sheep get __________________easily.  

2. Sheep are ___________________________________.  

3. Sheep are very ________________________________.  

4. Sheep are ____________________________________.  

4 Characteristics of The Good Shepherd:

1. The Good Shepherd is ______________________________.

2.  The Good Shepherd _______________________________.  

3. The Good Shepherd _______________________________.

My sheep hear my _____________. I know them, and they _____________

me. I give them ______________  _______, and they will never _________.   

4. The Good Shepherd ______________________________.   

"Our Need for Protection" John 10:7-15, 27-30          03/13/2016

"I am the _________  _________________; the good shepherd __________

____________________his _____________ for the sheep,"

Sheep are used throughout the Old Testament as _____________________

for the ______________________ of _______________.  

1.   Sheep get __________________easily.  

2. Sheep are ___________________________________.  

3. Sheep are very ________________________________.  

4. Sheep are ____________________________________.  

4 Characteristics of The Good Shepherd:

1. The Good Shepherd is ______________________________.

2.  The Good Shepherd _______________________________.  

3. The Good Shepherd _______________________________.

My sheep hear my _____________. I know them, and they _____________

me. I give them ______________  _______, and they will never _________.   

4. The Good Shepherd ______________________________.   

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sermon Guide "Our Need for Contentment & Peace"

"Our Need for Contentment & Peace" John 6:26-27, 35-40         03/06/2016

Jesus doesn't seek to take away our                        , but to fulfill                      !

1. Jesus meets our needs                                                                        .

2. Jesus meets our needs                                                                         .  

Jesus answered them, ‘This is the work of God, that you _______________                      

_______  _____________________whom he has sent.

All that Jesus has done in your past is a                                     that He can

meet your                             ___________and into the                                    ,

no matter what those needs are.  

1. Today is all you                                                     ;

2. Today is all you                                                     ;

3. Today is all you                      __________________________.

To have the contentment and peace you so deeply

_______________  _________   ___________________ of the Bread of Life.

For the Session 2 Discussion Guide - More Than Enough: How Jesus Meets Our Deepest Needs  click here.