Your Divine Design - Session 3
"Developing Your Spiritual Gifts"
Download: Sermon Guide 2/7/16
Download: Your Divine Design Developing Your Spiritual Gifts
Sermon summary: As disciples of Jesus, we were created for good works. God gives us spiritual gifts to equip us for the works He has prepared beforehand for us to do, and for the building up of the Body of Christ. Though we are given a spiritual gift, it is up to us to develop the gift through service to others and/or Christ church.
Scripture: Romans 12:3-8
Additional scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12: 1, 4-7
1. Share a time when God used you to impact the life of another.
2. In churches you've attended, how important was the discovery and development of spiritual gifts?
3. Which of the 5 reasons for developing your spiritual gifts most motivates you?
4. Have you discovered your spiritual gift? If so, what is it?
5. How could your gifts help your Life Group? How could the gifts of others help you?
6. Developing your spiritual gift means getting involved with people. Where do you feel God leading you to get involved?
7. How engaged are you in a Life Group? This is far more than just attending a group, it is sharing life with a few people. What would take your group to a deeper level of sharing life together?
8. Developing your gift is like exercising a muscle and includes ongoing training and education. What kind of training could help you strengthen your gift?
Next week's sermon will be on deploying your spiritual gift. You will be given list of opportunities within the church where you can exercise your spiritual gift.
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