Friday, November 11, 2016

Storm Shelters Listening Guide (for sermon preached on 10/30/16)

For Sermon Preached on 10/30/16

1. The purpose of a storm shelter is to give protection and/or relief from a storm.
2. Is there _____________ for me?
3. Matthew 11:28: Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you ________. 
4. _____________ storms _______________________hurt because of the ________________ left behind. 
5. Will the storms and their damage ever _______?  ______. 
6. The hope for a better future rests in _____. 
7. "The assurance of ___________ is your shelter on _____."  -Talbot Davis

2. shelter
3. rest
4. Past; presently; damage
5. end; Yes
6. God
7. heaven; earth

Storm Shelters Discussion Guide (The sermon, Storm Shelters, was preached on 10/30/16)

Discussion Guide
Week Two of The Storm Before The Calm
Storm Shelters
Storm Shelters sermon preached on 10/30/16

Sermon Snapshot: 
Life is not without storms.  During those storms, it is important for us to receive some protection and/or relief from the threat that exists.  Just as literal storms can be damaging, so can storms of life of all types.  These are storms that should move us toward shelter.  This sermon, “Storm Shelters,” will discuss the shelter that is the God of our worship as well as the shelter that exists for us as a hope in a better future.  Both depend on God, and both are fully legitimate ways that we find shelter in the midst of life’s storms.    

Isaiah 25:1-8 (Sermon Scripture)
Matthew 11:28

Discussion Questions: 
  1. When you think of the word “shelter” what comes to mind?
  2. Have you ever been in the midst of a literal storm and sought shelter from the rain, wind, etc.?  What was that experience like?
  3. Have you ever experienced a storm of any type and did not have shelter?  
  4. When you find yourself in a life-storm, what is your response?  Do you find “shelter” anywhere in particular?  
  5. Are there some shelters that are better than others?  Do all shelters help us get through the storms of life equally well?  
  6. How can God be our shelter in a stormy season of life? 
  7. Do you find that hope in a better future is or can become a shelter in the midst of storms?  How would you describe a better future?  (Please comment or have someone comment on what is meant by “better future” as used in the sermon.)    


Over the next week, think about how your life might change if you felt more secure in the shelter that exists in God and the future that God will bring about.  Share your thoughts with someone in your Life Group before the next meeting and begin to live your life, if you do/have not already, in light of the sheltering that exists.    

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Never-Ending Storm Listening Guide

"The Never-Ending Storm" Acts 27:21-27, 33-44          11/06/2016

To download the Storm before the Calm Session 3 Discussion guide click here.

To survive:
1. You've Got to __________________ the Load.
Sometimes God ________ the storm to go on because there's some ________, some ________, some _____________, some __________ that's weighing you down.
Let us _________ off everything that __________ and the sin that so easily __________________. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us  (Hebrews 12:1)
2. You Need _________________________.
3. Know to Whom You ______________________.
For last night there stood by me an angel of the God to whom I _________ and whom I _____________. Vs 23
"do not be ______________...keep up your ________________ and have ________________."