Friday, September 30, 2016

Discussion Guide, Money Matters Session 2

Discussion Guide
Session Two of Money Matters
What if?

Sermon Snapshot:
Freedom from the stress that money brings to our lives is a worthwhile goal for each person who feels shackled by “money-stress.” One important way that we can begin to gain freedom from “money-stress” is by relegating money to its rightful place in our lives. The more our perceived dependence on money, the greater its perceived importance in our lives. Perhaps, it is the case that folks exalt money above even God as the primary provider for our lives, causing our faith to be sorely misplaced. Freedom from “money-stress” is achievable when we acknowledge that God is the primary provider in our life, not money.

1 Kings 16:29-34
1 Kings 17:1-16 (sermon passage 1 Kings 17:7-16)
Exodus 20:3-5
Matthew 5:42

Discussion Questions:
1. What is your view of money?
2. How would you describe a healthy view of money?
3. Do you have a healthy or unhealthy view of money? Why is your
view the way it is?
4. How does an unhealthy view of money affect one’s life,
discipleship, and witness to God?
5. How does a healthy view of money affect one’s life, discipleship,
and witness to God?
6. What does freedom from “money-stress” look like to you?
7. What steps can you take to lower your “money-stress” level?

Live the next week as if money occupied an appropriate place in your life.

Sermon Listening Guide for Sermon Preached on 9/25/16

Sermon Listening Guide

There is a direct relationship between _______________________, _____________________, and ______________________.

People can inaccurately evaluate their ___________________ on money and fail to put their full faith in the One who can truly provide for our needs.

When people wrongly evaluate their dependence on money, there is a greater potential for “___________________.”

God is our ________________ provider and money is a resource that has great ______________.

_________ ___?

perceived dependence on money; its significance; "money-stress"
unlimited; limitations
What if

Friday, September 16, 2016

"Money Matters: Steps to Debt Free Living" - Sermon Listening Guide

"Money Matters: Steps to Debt Free Living" Romans 13:8          10/02/2016
Click Here for the Discussion Guide

What is the _____________ threat to our national _______________?

To be ______________ and _______________ with what God's given you, you must deal with your ___________.

The rich rule the ___________ and the ______________ is slave to the _____________________. Proverbs 22:7

Faith is ___________ focused and ________ ties our future to the _______.








Owe no one ____________, except to ____________ one another; for the one who loves another has ______________ the law.   Romans 13:8


Sermon Listening Guide Money Matters: A Faith-Filled Focus 9/18/16

"Money Matters: A Faith-Filled Focus" 
1 Timothy 6:17-19

For a copy of the discussion questions CLICK HERE

Think about how much of your ______________ and ____________ each week is tied in some way to ________________.

"You must gain ______________ over your _____________ or the lack of it will __________________ control you." - Dave Ramsey

1.  God Doesn't Want You to _______________ About ________________.

2. You Have a ______________ Parent Who Will ______________ for YOU.

And my God will _________ all your __________ according to the _______ of his glory in Christ Jesus.   Phil.  4:19

3. Financial Freedom is _______________ in __________________.

4. Financial Freedom _____________ Rightful _____________________.

5. God Is Going to ___________ Only What Is in Your _______________.

Jesus told the parable of the ____________ to illustrate that as we are _________________ with __  __________________, we will be given more.